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It Takes A Village To Raise A Family, It Takes A Heck Of A Lot More To Raise An Allergy Baby!


I am Ellie, I am married with two children. My daughter is 6, sassy, confident and wonderfully kind. My son is 4, he is strong willed, full on and is obsessed with anything that has an engine!

Both my children have food allergies. My daughter carries adrenalin pens and is very aware of her surroundings, she will ask questions and challenge food she is given (even from  me!). My son has less severe allergies and more likely to eat whatever he is handed. Both of those completely terrify me!

When my daughter was a baby it was a very challenging time, I had no experience of being a mum, how to take care of a baby, never come across food allergies and I definitely had no idea how to be a mum of a baby with multiple food allergies!!!

But it got better, my mum supported us all, she is truly amazing. She read articles and food packaging when I couldn't see the wood for the trees. We all need a strong mum in our lives.

I have researched nutrition, intolerance's and allergies. Experimented with recipes and just made it up as I went along. Some have turned out amazingly and others have just been turned into the food bin!! Lots of them have come from basic techniques which my Grandmother would have used.

I cannot claim to be a lone wolf in the whole operation, without my wonderful family I wouldn't be able to achieve half of what I have done. Needless to say I have an army of Nephews & Nieces ready to taste test whenever I call on them💕
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